Administration and transportation

‘Aide Personnalisée au Logement’ (personal housing allowance)

If you’re a student, you can get a housing aid if you respect the 4 following conditions :

  • You are French or foreigners with a resident permit valid
  • You rent a decent housing
  • You are not related to the owner of the dwelling you are renting
  • You have resources (salary, scholarship…) below certain limits

Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (welfare office)

These are housing allowances help to pay rent. It’s advised to start the procedure for them as soon as possible, as it can take some time. During the meeting with the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales or the online procedure, you have to give a copy of your ID or passport. 

Once the procedure is started, you have to fill the file with:

  • bank details from a french bank account,
  • a housing contract signed by the landlord

Further Help for administrative matters

Garantie Visale :

The ‘Garantie Visale’ is a rental guarantee for students accessible for 18 to 30 years old french and international students.

If you live in a country that’s part of the European Union, you just need to show your student card and valid passport.

If not, show your resident permit visa with the ‘student’ mention or ‘passeport talent’.

The Welcome Desk : 

If you have any questions, the Welcome Desk located 41 allée Jules Guesde gathers instances such as CAF, CROUS, the prefecture of Haute-Garonne and Toulouse University. 

Toulouse Transport System

Toulouse’s commuting network is called Tisséo.

The transportation network includes : 

Students can obtain a Pastel card in order to commute without having to pay for a ticket everytime.

To get more information and a Pastel card, you can go to the different agencies:

  • Agence Tisséo Jean Jaurès, Station Métro Jean Jaurès, 16 Allées Jean Jaurès, underground level 1, 31000 Toulouse
  • Agence Tisséo Arènes, Place Agapito Nadal, 31300 Toulouse
  • Agence Tisséo Marengo-SNCF, 64 Boulevard Pierre Simard, underground level 1, 31000 Toulouse
  • Agence Tisséo Basso Combo